In Autumn 2023 we shared the information below.
We have since worked up more detailed plans, which you can view here.
Autumn 2023
We want to ensure the proposals benefit the local community.
The plans included the following:
- About 350 new homes, 50% of which will be affordable
- Community facilities
- A new park for everyone to use, along the Silk Stream
- Pedestrian and cycle links though the site, allowing people to walk/cycle from Burnt Oak to Edgware
- Retention of existing trees and planting of new ones
3D Model Photograph
3D Model Photograph
Artist’s Impression: Integrating Homes with Nature – Creating Vibrant Green Living
Artist’s Impression: Proposed View from Watling Avenue towards Burnt Oak Station
The development is based upon Garden City principles and integrates homes with generous landscaping. This includes quality play spaces, numerous street trees and a biodiverse linear park that follows along the Silk Stream.
The Landscape has been designed with safety and security in mind, incorporating well lit pedestrian and cycle routes that encourage passive surveillance and help to create a welcoming space for all.
Artist’s Impression: Park Zone – Celebrating the Silk Stream
Car parking will be provided in line with the Council’s guidelines and we are currently working out the number of spaces. There will be dedicated disabled parking for the future residents. The rest of the car parking spaces will be open for public use during day time hours. The parking area will be closed overnight.