The response provided to questions received during the consultation are provided below.

You can view the final Design and Access Statement here and Planning Statement here.

How many new homes are being provided?

359 new homes, of which 165 are affordable homes.

On the Watling Avenue car park site we are proposing 179 Build to Rent (BTR) private homes and 165 BTR affordable homes.

On the existing Library site 15 new homes would be provided.

What will happen to the library?

The library will be relocated to the builder’s merchants site (41 Barnfield Road). All current library services will be retained and a state of the art facility will be developed.

The delivery of the sites will be phased to ensure the new library is built and occupied before the redevelopment of the old library.

How tall are your proposals?

The tallest element of the development will now be 12 storeys plus ground, with the remainder of the site ranging in height from 6 to 8.

It is important to note the site is 5/6 metres lower than Watling Avenue.

How much car parking will be provided?

44 Town centre car parking spaces, 5 of which are blue badge, with 9 additional resident spaces (all of which blue badge).

On the existing library site, 1 blue badge space would be provided.

When are you submitting a planning application?

We aim to submit a planning application towards the end of summer 2024. It will be important to review feedback following public consultation.

Please can you provide the heights (in metres) of each of the 6 blocks across the three sites?
  • The approximate height of the tallest building (12 storeys plus ground) would be 45 metres.

  • A 6 storey building would be 21 metres.

  • The approximate height of 8 storey buildings would be 27.5 metres

  • The new library would be 15 metres in height.

  • The new building on the existing library site would also be 15 metres.

Please can you provide the numbers of minimum and maximum number of residents you expect to reside in each of the 5 residential blocks?
  • Site 1 has 344 homes across 4 buildings and we would estimate, based on unit size (1 bed, 1 person, 1 bed, 2 person, etc) the following number of people in each building:

A: 159 residents

B: 378 residents

C: 171 residents

D: 151 residents

  • Total: 859 residents

  • Site 2 has 15 homes and we would estimate 39 residents.

  • This would total 898 residents across the two sites, approximately 97 of which would be children.

What flood mitigation methods are being considered?

We are considering a comprehensive range of mitigation measures, including optimising site layout and elevation, implementing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and using flood-resistant construction materials. We are working closely with flood risk assessment specialists and relevant authorities to ensure best practices in flood risk management. The design does not negatively impact neighbouring land in the event of a flood.

What is the accommodation schedule on site 1 (Watling Avenue car park) and site 2 (the existing library)?

Site 1

1 bed, 1 person – 30 homes

1 bed, 2 person – 114 homes

2 bed, 3 person – 47 homes

2 bed, 4 person – 90 homes

3 bed, 4 person – 50 homes

3 bed, 5 person – 13 homes

Total = 344

Site 2

1 bed, 2 person – 10 homes

2 bed, 3 person – 1home

2 bed, 4 person – 4 homes

Total = 15

How many homes will be single aspect vs dual aspect?

On site 1, over half would be dual aspect and none would be single north facing flats.

On site 2, some of the flats, 7, would likely be single aspect.

How many flats are sized for residents who need to ‘work from home’?

The latest London plan acknowledges working from home and we are working to their standards.

Site 1 also has co-working spaces dedicate to residents.

How many flats are designed to accommodate wheelchair users?

Site 1 – 36 homes

Site 2 – 0 homes

How many flats have rooms which are of a conventional shape (i.e. square, rectangular or generally with all angles at 90 degrees)?

Most flats are square/rectangular shape (294 flats). Some flats include some angled shape rooms. All flats meet design standards and regulations to ensure they function well.

Is there a difference between the size &/or shape &/or aspect &/or location of an affordable vs private rented flat?

There will not be any visible difference between market and affordable blocks. The taller blocks would likely be split between market and affordable homes, the smaller blocks would likely be one tenure each.

How many dedicated cycle spaces will there be?

On site 1 (Watling Avenue car park), 600 cycle spaces for residents and a minimum of 9 for visitors.

On site 2 (existing library site), 25 cycle spaces for residents and a minimum of 1 cycle space for visitors.

In terms of cycle spaces on site 3 (proposed new library), this will be provided in line with London Plan policy guidelines so will be around 6 spaces.

Will there be a bay for deliveries/taxis/refuse stops on sites 2 (existing library) and 3 (proposed new library)?

These will be undertaken from the adjacent highway.

Where are the car parking spaces located?

All town/public car parking will be within the main under croft car parking area at the central part of the site. The blue badge parking for residents of Site 1 will be within a separate area adjacent the railway tracks. These spaces will not have public access.

What is the size of the park in square metres?

8,200 sqm overall, we don’t have a figure minus detailed matters such as boundary planting – this has yet to be developed.

Are all three sites going to be different coloured brick or a single colour (in keeping with the Conservation Area)?

The 3 sites are designed to have subtle material variations to enhance the architectural interest of the area, create diverse designs whilst still respecting the existing quality of the conservation area’s architecture.

Questions received from the public during the statutory consultation period – November 2024 onwards:
1. In the planning application you mention retaining existing mature trees where possible but the mature tree on the left of the library has been removed, please explain.

The tree next to the residential entrance (existing library) will be removed due to its tree canopy and increased roots. In its place will be two new trees. Along Orange Hill Road three new trees – a net gain of four new trees on the site. Page 59-66 of the Landscape Document provides further clarification on the trees being retained, removed and planted as new.

2. In your application you say there will be a toilet but the cafe plan does not seem to have any space for one.

A planning condition will be in place to ensure a toilet is part of the fit out. The fit out, including location of a toilet, will be developed with the operator which is why it currently isn’t shown.

3. In your application you say a benefit will be 50% affordable housing provision, but in the viability assessment it says that this is not viable. Please can you expand.

We are proposing 50% affordable housing. The viability assessment outlines it as not viable because it is assessed using a residual land value (RLV) and compares it to a benchmark land value (BLV) which is usually the existing use value. Where the RLV exceeds the BLV, a surplus is generated and the scheme can be considered “viable”. However, if the BLV exceeds the RLV, a deficit is produced and the scheme can be considered technically “non-viable”. This is fairly normal across London.

4. Your design is supposedly accessible but I do not see where the benches will be, apart from a few by the play areas.

If the planning application is approved, benches will be provided by the Council post determination and construction.

5. In your embodied carbon statement you seem to have left out the embodied carbon of the existing library. Again the demolition plan does not mention the mature tree.

A pre-demolition audit, a pre-redevelopment audit, a circular economy statement and GLA spreadsheet have been completed which assess the existing materials of all three sites and where possible the materials will be used in the new development or being recycled and reused elsewhere. A demolition plan only looks at the building materials.

6. Further in your application it says it will be complete by 2031. Is there a phased approach to this so we know when some things will be complete earlier than that please?

Site 1 will be completed first, towards the end of 2027 / start of 2028. Site 3 will be then be built, ensuring the new library and BOOST provision is open before works starts on site 2, the existing library, which would be the final phase.

7. In the fire document it mentions mobility scooters but there is not mention of actual electric micro scooters or e bikes.

Planning policy doesn’t currently request that E bikes and electric micro scooters are provided. Cycle spaces have been provided to fit e bikes but it is up to the discretion of the future occupier whether they want e bikes. ‘


Have you got a question that we haven’t answered here? Please get in touch:


T: 07795 614 307


The responses below relate to the initial proposals, shared in Autumn 2023. If you have a question in relation to the updated material, please let us know and we will update this page with the most common questions.

Autumn 2023 (archive)

Who are Linkcity?

Linkcity is the UK property development arm for global firm Bouygues Construction. Linkcity has a strong track record of delivering award-winning homes across London and the south of England. Their developments are centred on people, building strong links between residents and the community.

What is included within the proposed development?

Around 350 new homes.

A minimum of 50% affordable homes will be provided. This will include London Living Rent accommodation. The remainder of the affordable homes will be discount market rent.

We plan to maximise the number of family homes and this is something the team are looking at in more detail.

What are the public benefits?

Key benefits for the community:

  • Affordable homes – a minimum of 50%
  • New public park along the Silkstream
  • Community facilities
  • Pedestrian and cycle links through the site
  • Retention of existing and planting of new trees
How tall are your proposals?

The proposal has been developed to respect its surrounding context while responding to the local need for housing and making the most of its transport connections. The tallest element of the development will be 11 storeys plus ground, with the remainder of the site ranging in height from 6 to 8.

It is important to note the site is 5/6 metres lower than Watling Avenue.

What is the total area of the main site?

1.7 hectares/17,000 sqm

What will happen to the library?

Burnt Oak will continue to have library provision within the town centre – we know how important the library is.

It could be relocated to the builder’s merchants site.

How will you prevent anti-social behaviour?

The proposals have been developed through a ‘Secure by Design’ process to ensure a safe and secure design is achieved, to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour.

There will be natural surveillance along the road and new park.

Active frontages, secure entrances and quality lighting will ensure the development and its public spaces are well-used and well-lit to improve community safety.

We are keen to hear from local residents about how best to address this important issue.

How much car parking will be provided?

The site is located next to an Underground station and close to local amenities. We will provide car parking in line with the Council’s policy and the exact number is to be confirmed.

There will be dedicated disabled parking for the future residents. The rest of the car parking spaces will be open for public use during day time hours. The parking area will be closed overnight.

What improvements will you make to local services?

Any development works in the area are required to make a significant financial contribution to Section 106 payments and a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

These payments are designed to offset any impact on the local area, through financial contributions to infrastructure improvements. These will be agreed with and paid to the Council, who will decide how this money is spent.

What’s your approach to sustainability?

All new buildings will be energy efficient to ensure they are sustainable now and in the future. The development will be net zero through the use of air source heat pumps, a fabric first approach and PVs.

We are providing a new public park, improving biodiversity, retaining existing trees and planting new ones. The Silkstream will be enhanced.

EV charging points will be provided.

When are you submitting a planning application?

We aim to submit a planning application towards the end of 2023. It will be important to review feedback following public consultation.

When do you plan to start construction? How long will construction take?

It’s too early to provide a timeline, we would hope to start within the next 18 months, subject to gaining planning approval.

How will you minimise disruption during construction to neighbours?

Any planning approval will be accompanied with controls to minimise disruption to local residents and business such as working hours and site deliveries.

A Construction and Traffic Management Plan (CMP) will be drafted and consulted on with the local community before works start on-site.

The CMP aims to mitigate against any disturbance and nuisance caused by construction to neighbours of the site, setting out hours of construction etc.

Questions raised so far during consultation

Apart from the library, what community facilities are planned?

This has not yet been fixed. To date, a nursery, community gym or similar has been discussed.

If the library is moved to the car park, what will replace the current library site?

This is yet to be explored in detail but could deliver commercial or retail on the ground floor with homes above.

What services would be provided in a new library?

All current library services in Burnt Oak would be retained.

How high in metres would each of the buildings be?

Building heights are yet to be confirmed in detail, the exact heights will form part of the planning submission documentation.

The approximate height of the 6 storey building would be 21 metres, the approximate height of the 8 storey building would be 27.5 metres and the approximate height of the tallest building would be 40 metres.

Are the homes single storey flats?

Yes, all the proposed homes are single storey flats. Over half would be dual aspect and none would be single north facing flats.

In addition to balconies, would any of the homes have their own gardens?

Some of the proposed homes could have terraces into the podium and individual roof terraces. There is also a shared amenity space and the park area.

Which specific buildings are based on Garden City principles – just the lower rise ones or all of the buildings?

The scheme overall is based on high quality buildings, enhancing the natural environment and providing affordable homes.

What is the minimum number of 1, 2 and 3 (or more) bedroom homes across the whole development?

At this stage we would estimate a split, across both private and affordable, of:

c. 30% 1 bed (some of which could be studios, c. 5%)

c. 50% 2 bed

c. 20% 3 bed

Overall there is a good mix of all unit sizes across market and affordable. It’s likely the market properties would likely have a higher number of smaller homes, with a higher number of larger, family homes in the affordable proportion.

What is the maximum number of people that a fully rented development will attract?

Based on the approximate unit mix above and using the principle that the 3 beds would be family homes for 4 people, 2 beds would be 3 person, 1 beds, 2 person and studios, 1 person, the figure would be in the region of 980.

What is the total area of the proposed development?

Approx. 30,000 sqm, gross internal area. The two smaller blocks would be approximately 4,000 sqm each and the two taller blocks approximately 11 – 12,000 sqm each.

Tell me more about the affordable housing. Where would the affordable housing be?

There won’t be any visible difference between market and affordable blocks. The taller blocks would likely be split between market and affordable homes, the smaller blocks would likely be one tenure each.

How many storeys is a podium equivalent to?

1 storey

Does the count of the number of storeys (6, 8, 11) include the podium(s)?
